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Good evening

Here we are 246 years later, and this timeless short document gives a picture of the sentiments of our early framers of our nation's early beginnings... Those who had ruled over them in previous centuries did not relinquish their previous subjects without a fight.

Christianity was also forged in the fires of adversity in a time when Rome ruled the known world. The apostle Paul spoke of this while in Roman chains and imprisonment in the book of acts 28;22 {We desire to hear you and what you think; for as concerning this sect {CHRISTIANITY} we know that everywhere it is spoken against}. The latest SCOTUS decisions that have come down are answers to many prayers and tears, but the battle lines are being drawn and Psalms chapter 2 is in full play all around us.

Some are going to sit out the celebration of our b-day as a new nation, I know we have much to repent of in our history but just as Israel was brought about by THE LORD GOD JEHOVAH even, so I have read enough of our history to believe that God has in times past shown His great mercy and grace and brought us through many struggles, wars and turmoil from without and within.

We stand at a crossroad in our nation. Are we going to go down as a sinful nation into the dust bin of history or will we listen and hear the voice of AMIGHTY GOD as He speaks through the pastors, teachers and those who hold to the biblical mandate which is still being "spoken against everywhere"? "Here comes those who have turned the world upside down".

The world needs Jesus, two roads are before us Jesus said "Wide is the road that leads to destruction, and many are they who go therein, and narrow is the road that leads to eternal life and few there be who find it.

Jesus is calling. Let them who have ears to hear listen. He is LIFE EVERLASTING Choose life and live..

